Health blog
What Are You Doing to Prevent Fall Sports Injuries?

The leaves turning and the cooling of the air brings back the clatter of football and the squeak of sneakers on a basketball court. Along with a return to these dynamic sports subsequently has an uptick in ankle and knee injuries. Let’s talk about how to prevent these injuries!
One of the best things to do for injury prevention is to have a well balanced, dynamic routine for stretching and strengthening to prevent those injuries to our athletes.
Read full blogWhat Type of Frozen Shoulder Do You Have?

What frozen shoulder is, depends on what type of frozen shoulder you have.
Primary frozen shoulder is an idiopahtic (no clear cause) condition. It has a gradual onset and can take over a year to fully resolve.
Physical therapy can help with this form, but in general, it has to run its course.
Primary is:
- Less common.
Certified Athletic Trainers at LSTC

Here at Loudoun Sports Therapy Center, we employ Certified Athletic Trainers (ATCs or ATs) due to their high levels of education and experience. ATCs are medically licensed and certified healthcare professionals who are invaluable members of our patients’ care.
Athletic trainers are educated and trained to prevent, diagnose, and treat injuries. With these skills, ATs at our physical therapy clinic take on crucial roles such as:
- Designing and implementing specialized care and exercises for all patient rehabilitation
- Progressing higher-level patients and athletes
- Return to sport training
- Patient education about their bodies and injuries
- Coordinating patient care with other healthcare professionals

When an athletic trainer works with you at LSTC, you’re getting another set of specialized eyes to find patterns in your movements throughout your exercises that another healthcare professional’s eyes may have not observed.
How Can I Fix My Arthritis?

There are many things that can cause you to feel pain in your joints. One of the more common diagnoses is arthritis. Arthritis is inflammation and swelling that happens in our joints. There are many different types of arthritis but the one we see most commonly in our clinic is Osteoarthritis. This is swelling and pain that affects our bones and joints. This can occur in any of our joints, but is most common in our hands, spine, hips and knees.
Read full blogNeck Friendly Workspace Set Up

A lot of people are working from home and have noticed neck pain during and after they are done with work. It’s easy to get lost in our work, which causes us to lose focus of the position that we are sitting in and for how long we are sitting in the same position. When we sit with poor posture for an extended period of time at our workspace, we are more likely to cause harm especially to our necks.
Read full blogChronic Ankle Instability

Have you sprained your ankle more times than you can count? You are likely suffering from what is called chronic ankle instability, aka CAI.
Why does this happen? Once you injure your ankle once, unless rehabbed well, the function of the ankle itself is forever altered. Every part of your body has little internal GPS sensors called proprioceptors. The function of these proprioceptors decreases following ankle injuries. With this decline in function, your ankle has a hard time knowing where it is at in space and therefore has a hard time righting itself when walking on uneven surfaces or running.
Read full blogLiving With Sciatica Pain

Many people have experienced or live with low back pain that is significant enough to stop a person from doing daily household activities. Imagine driving somewhere and having such pain and discomfort that then continues to progress and start to radiate down a leg all the way to a foot and having feelings of being numb.
It would be nice if there was a quick and easy fix to this common problem. A lot of individuals are told and believe they can have quick relief from having some form of surgical intervention or injections.
Read full blogHow Physical Therapy can be an Alternative to Surgery

For many people, when a person suffers an injury, be it traumatic or have developed over time; surgery seems to be the first and foremost thought to correct things. The fact that many people do not consider is what the impact of recovering from a surgery is vs. going to a more conservative non invasive approach, ie. Physical Therapy.
The human body has an amazing ability to heal and recover more than a lot of people give credence to.
Read full blog7 Common Questions About Physical Therapy

Out of All the Questions We Receive, This One is the Most Common… “What is physical therapy?”
The use of exercise, manual therapy and different techniques to improve movement patterns, increase function and decrease pain to overall improve quality of life.
“Do I need imaging before coming to PT? MRI? Xray?”
No you do not need imaging before coming to PT. At the initial evaluation will do specific testing to determine a diagnosis.
Read full blogTips to Avoid Injuries While Shoveling Snow

As the temperature starts to drop again, and the chance of snow could arise we want to be sure you are prepared to clear your sidewalk and driveways without sustaining and injury. Believe it or not, shoveling is a common task that our community members do that leads to an injury. Here are 7 things to do to help avoid and injury…
- Warm up with dynamic or static stretching (CLICK HERE to learn more)
- Do not twist through your back-instead turn your whole body (WATCH this video!)
- Do not throw snow over shoulder
- Push snow instead of lifting and don’t overload- if lifting is required bend and lift through
legs not back.