Health blog Category: Physical Therapy
Tired of Joint Stiffness and Arthritis Dictating Activities…

Arthritis is a common reason people seek physical therapy because, quite frankly, they get tired of joint stiffness and joint pain dictating what activities they are able to do. While there is no cure for arthritis as it is a degenerative disease, there are ways you can manage the pain and also increase your activity level.
You’ve probably heard the word ‘osteoarthritis’ but what exactly does it mean and what are the symptoms?
How many times a day do we have to reach overhead?

By Rachel Herrmann, DPT
The shoulder is a complex region of the body made up of three joints, four muscles of the rotator cuff and over 10 other muscles that attach around the bones/joints that make up the shoulder. This means there has to be a lot of body parts in good working condition in order to have a healthy and happy shoulder.
One common shoulder issue is called impingement. This is when the muscles of the rotator cuff become subjected to repeated pinching in between the rounded head of the humerus bone and the acromion process, a bony prominence from the shoulder blade that forms a roof over top of the ball and socket joint.
Standing a lot during the day…

We spend a lot of time on our feet so it’s no wonder foot and ankle pain, discomfort in the heel and arches are common problems for every age group. Foot and ankle problems make daily, functional activities such as standing, walking and using stairs difficult. In addition, it can also mean we have trouble going from a seated position to a standing one without pain. Even taking just a few steps can be painful due to muscle tightness and joint stiffness.
Read full blogThree reasons We’re Having trouble standing, walking or running

Hip problems are a common complaint that affects all ages and activity levels. Many hip problems are often the result of an overuse injury and can interfere with our daily activities that can make dressing, shaving our legs and standing while cooking challenging.
Three common hip problems are:
- Osteoarthritis. This happens when the cartilage in your hip joint becomes damaged from wear and tear over the years.
Is hip pain throwing off your balance?

By: Rachel Herrmann, DPT, PT
The hip joint is one of the most stable joints in the body, but unfortunately that does not keep this joint and region of the body from developing issues and producing pain. There are multiple structures in and around the hip joint that can produce pain in this area of the body:
- Labrum– the ring of cartilage around the rim of the socket of the hip joint.
Dogs Run Ahead and Pull on the Leash…

Ever wonder what in the world the “shoulder” actually is?
The main joint of the shoulder is called the glenohumeral joint. This articulation consists of the head of the humerus (arm bone) resting in the small glenoid fossa of the scapula (shoulder blade), some would describe this joint as a golf ball on a tee. If you imagine how unstable a golf ball is on a tee, you can appreciate how hard the supporting anatomical structures must work to keep the “ball from falling off the tee.” The structures holding the joint together that offer passive stability consist of the labrum and a series of ligaments that encapsulate the joint.
Trouble Sleeping Through the Night because of Back Pain?

Read on for answers to common questions about back pain, how it starts and how to get rid of it for good!
- How does back pain usually start?
- Many times back pain starts from a specific incident where you overexerted yourself, lifted something improperly, performed more of an activity than you were used to, sitting/standing more prolonged amount of time, or a traumatic incident. Often times it is a combination of several of these things.
Limited Range of Motion, Making Daily Tasks Tough

Shoulder pain and shoulder injuries are one of the most common injuries we see at Loudoun Sports Therapy Center whether the cause is from an injury or overuse. Some of the most common ailments related to the shoulder that we see include tight/overworked muscles, tendonitis, impingement and , joint stiffness. All of these can cause pain, weakness, and decrease ability to perform everyday activities.
Common Causes of Shoulder Injury
- Traumatic injury/dislocation
- Weak musculature
- Repetitive movement
- Poor shoulder mechanics
- Post Surgery
Shoulder pain can present itself in many different ways.
Read full blogWhat is Considered a Properly Conditioned Muscle?

What does the word ‘strength’ really mean?
In order to fully understand how to develop a strengthening program appropriately, you first have to understand what is really meant by the word “strength.” The word itself actually has three distinct pieces to it. Each piece is just as important as the other and all three must come into play in order for a muscle to have what is considered “good strength”.
- How much weight can you lift?
How Plantar Fasciitis Starts

Have you ever experienced a sharp pain in the bottom of your foot when you take your first few steps in the morning? Does your ankle feel unstable or painful when you’re walking or running? Do you have difficulty balancing on one foot without holding onto something for support?
These are all signs of common foot and ankle conditions that we often treat in physical therapy. Although there are many contributing factors leading to the aforementioned symptoms, here is a breakdown of the most frequent causes of foot and ankle pain as well as resulting ankle instability.