Health blog Category: physical therapy
Exercises for Better Posture

Whether you are sitting, standing, sleeping, or moving around posture is important and can impact how well you are able to perform said activities. Rounding your shoulders forward or letting your head shift forward as well as rounding your back are all signs of bad posture. Below are some exercises that can help prevent poor posture no matter what position you are in.
Pec Stretches
Pec stretches are really good to do to help open up your chest.
Read full blogTop 5 Things to do to Start Your Year Off Right

The New Year is here which means we are planning our resolutions and setting goals. Here are 5 things you should do to start your year off right!
Get Moving
Even if you just go on a short walk, try to get moving everyday. Exercise is not only good for your physical health, but it plays a huge role in mental health as well. When you exercise, your brain releases happy chemicals that improve mood.
Read full blogWhat is Dry Needling?

Dry needling is a buzzword right now and is likely one you have heard thrown around by your doctor or friends currently receiving physical therapy treatment. A lot of people think of acupuncture when they first hear about dry needling. They use similar needles, but the similarities start and finish there.
Thin microfilament needles are used to penetrate skin and subcutaneous tissue to address the underlying tissue directly. In most cases, the needle will be inserted into a trigger point in a muscle.
Read full blogSeasonal Injuries for Fall or Winter

With the gorgeous seasons comes seasonal injuries, due to outdoor responsibilities like:
- Raking leaves
- Bagging leaves
- Shoveling snow
- Cleaning snow off our vehicles
How often have you or someone you care about moved the wrong way or lifted something and all of the sudden had significant back pain that was never there before?
Many people have a tendency to push things like this aside until they negatively affect our activities of daily living.
Read full blogWhat Activities Cause Elbow Injuries?

Elbow injuries are a common thing we see in the clinic. It can be caused by many activities but most of the time it is from doing repetitive movements or by suddenly stressing the elbow joint. Often, elbow pain is ignored with the thought that it will just go away with time. However, this will cause the pain and injury to flare up and could prolong your recovery time.
There are many injuries that could be causing you to feel pain in your elbow.
Read full blogGrip Strength and Rock Climbing

What is Grip Strength?
The ability of your hand to hold an item. It is the force created by the muscles of the arm including the fingers, hand, forearm and upper arm.
Why is it important?
Grip is relevant to activities that are performed everyday, including but not limited to holding utensils/pen, turning a key, opening a jar, holding your cell phone, rock climbing, etc
How is grip related to the forearm?
Read full blogWhat is Ergonomics?

To start, Ergonomics is the study of individuals in their workplace in which workplaces are designed to fit individuals who use them. This aims to improve the environment to minimize the risk of injury.
Since the pandemic, many more individuals around the world began working from home and at desks/computers not realizing they have been sitting in a poor position for several hours a day and multiple days a week. Walking around and standing up in a typical office setting has decreased due to being in the comfort of our homes.
Read full blogTravel Tips

Whether you’re going to the beach, out West, to another country, or even only a few miles away to visit friends and family, these traveling tips can help you avoid lower back and neck pain!
Try to not remain in the same position for long periods of time.
Stiffness and soreness tend to occur the most after not moving out of one position for extended periods of time.
Driving to your destination?
- Stop at rest stops when you start feeling stiff to take a few minutes to stretch out.
Healing Our Heel Pain

The heel, also known as the calcaneus, is located on the bottom of the foot directly below the ankle joint. The heel bone has many muscles and ligaments attached to it. When injuries or irritation occur to the attached muscles or ligaments, it can create pain in the heel. This pain can lead to many other additional issues in your daily life.
The pain can be described as:
- Tight
- Spasm
- Burning
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Dull
- Achy
- Sharp
Why Does Heel Pain Occur?
Read full blogRock Climbing Injuries to Lower Extremity and Ankle

Rocking Climbing can lead to many different types of musculoskeletal injuries. Some of the most common injuries to the lower body include;
- Meniscal tear
- Stiffness, swelling, feeling like the knee is going to give out, catching in the knee.
- Knee ligament tear
- Swelling, instability, loss of range of motion.
- Morton’s Neuroma
- Sharp burning pain with standing and walking between two toes, tingling in foot.