Health blog Category: Physical Therapy
Better Posture

You may have heard that good posture is essential for good health, but do you know why??
- Posture refers to how you position your body when you’re sitting, standing, or lying down. Your posture is the result of habits formed over the course of years.
What is Good Posture?
- It is the proper alignment of your body when standing or sitting.
- Correct positioning involves training yourself to hold your body against gravity with the least strain and tension on supportive structures, such as your muscles and ligaments.
- Proper posture keeps your bones and joints in optimal alignment and decreases wear and tear on supportive structures.
Fun Facts About Nutrition

Nutrition plays a great role in our daily life. The food or liquids affect our body and health because each food or liquid contains particular nutrition which is very necessary for our physical and mental growth. A particular level of any particular nutrition is essential for our body. So, we should know what food we have to take, how much and what type of nutrition contains a particular food. There is a lot of controversy in nutrition, and it often seems like people can’t agree on anything.
Read full blogFoot and Ankle Problems

There are many reasons as to why your foot and ankle could be bothering you. Some of the primary injuries we see here at LSTC are:
- Ankle sprains
- Plantar fasciitis
- Achilles Tendonitis
Ankle sprains are a very common injury we treat here at LSTC. The most common ankle sprain is an inversion sprain which happens when your foot gets turned towards the other foot and stretches the tendons and ligaments on the outside of the ankle causing the injury.
Read full blogRotator Cuff Injuries in Baseball Players

Rotator cuff tears are a common baseball injury, especially for pitchers. Your rotator cuff keeps your arm in its socket. It’s made up of a group of four muscles that combine as a tendon to help rotate and move your arm. This is why pitchers often fall victim to this injury.
- Partial
- Full-Thickness
A tear happens when one or more of your tendons tears and becomes either fully or partially detached from the upper arm bone, called the humerus.
Read full blog5 Common Hip Injuries

There can be many causes of hip pain and hip injuries, but we will be talking about the most common in this blog. Having hip pain can limit you from doing your daily life activities, playing with your kids, performing you job duties and cause you a lot of unnecessary stress if you don’t get it checked out right away! Below we will be discussing the common hip injuries, how they present, risk factors and what to do if you think you have one of these injuries.
Read full blogTreatment for Shoulder Pain

Are you suffering with shoulder pain, stiffness, or decreased function? Shoulder pain can develop for a number of reasons including:
- traumatic injury
- overuse
- postural deficits
- weakness
If left untreated, intermittent or nagging shoulder pain can develop into a significant condition which can limit your ability to participate in activities of daily living (ADLs), work duties, leisure activities, or sports.
This is where physical therapy can help.
Read full blogTips for a Stronger Core
Jul 13th 2021The core is commonly thought of as the abdominals, but in actuality it is comprised of more muscles than that. If you think of your core as a coke can, imagine that the top of the can is your diaphragm, the front of the can is your abdominal wall (including the internal and external obliques), the bottom is your pelvic floor, and the back is your erector spinae and multifidi. There are more muscles and greater specifics to this concept, but to keep things light the above are a few of major importance. The job of the core is to provide support to the spine.
Read full blogTreating Back Pain

Most of us will experience back pain of some sort during our lifetime. While back pain is prevalent in our society, it isn’t something you have to “live with”.
Back pain can be caused by multiple things depending on where the pain is in the spine, along with the type of pain you are experiencing. Some common causes of back pain are:
- Muscle weakness: muscles work together to help to coordinate proper movements.
Is Your Posture Causing You Pain? We Can Help!
Jun 30th 2021What is posture? And how does it affect us?
Simply put, posture is the position in which someone holds their body. Typically, when it is good, it is described as sitting or standing upright without slumping the shoulders or arching the back. Having and maintaining good posture takes practice and effort, but when it is bad it can negatively affect your daily life in many ways. Read below to see what can come from incorrect posture and how you can correct it.
Common issues associated with it:
- Headaches: poor posture causes stress on the body which can manifest in headaches for some people
- Neck pain: Sitting or standing in a slumped position puts strain on the neck musculature and can result in dull or sharp pain depending on the severity
- Back pain: Similar to the neck, poor posture can cause the muscles in the back to be constantly firing or over stretched which can lead to pain.
- Shoulder pain: The body is connected!
Sciatic Nerve Inflammation

Sciatica is the inflammation of the sciatic nerve that travels from the back, down to the foot. This means, sciatica can cause pain in your back, buttocks, hamstring, calf, shin, or foot depending on where the nerve is irritated.
Sciatica can also be a referred pain from levels L4-S2 sending pain signals to the body parts they innervate in the same regions as listed above. It can be caused by a pinched nerve, disc herniations, or stenosis at the spine.