Health blog Category: physical therapy
Top 5 Questions About Running

The concept of running seems easy. You put on a pair of sneakers, head outside and begin your journey. However, there are a number of misconceptions and misunderstandings about the sport that I would like to help dispel.
Whether you’re an avid runner, a weekend warrior, a beginner, or someone who only runs if you’re being chased, I’ve compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions I’ve been asked about running.
- Will running cause arthritis?
Common Knee Conditions and How PT Can Help

In general, knee pain and common knee conditions occur due to muscular imbalances, how well your kneecap moves and abnormal kneecap tracking.
Two common knee conditions we treat at Loudoun Sports Therapy Center are ACL tears and subsequent repairs as well as quad tendon tears and subsequent repairs.
What is the ACL? The ACL is made up of dense fibrous connective tissue that supports the front of the knee joint.
Footwear Staples

“Have you recently purchased new sneakers or other footwear?”
“Have you recently started running to get in shape for summer?”
“Do you happen to wear anything other than those flip flops?”
These are all common questions Loudoun Sports Therapy Center clinicians will ask patients who come in with foot and ankle pain. Each question brings forth additional information that allows the clinician to determine why the patient may be experiencing the pain.
Handle a Back Strain

What is a back strain?
Low back pain is one of the most common issues seen in an outpatient physical therapy clinic and the vast majority of people will experience some form of back pain at least once throughout their life. There are many different causes of low back pain, but one common cause of back pain is due to muscle strain. Muscle strains can occur to any muscle throughout the body.
Why is Cross Training Important?

By Xavier Thompson, ATC
Cross training. What is it and why is it important? If you follow the headlines of any sports’ stars in the off season, you’ll likely see multiple stories about how an athlete is doing something besides their professional sport to prepare for the next season. You can find videos on the internet of star basketball players boxing or doing core work. Articles are written about football players taking up ballet or yoga.
What is Shoulder Tendonitis?

By Misha Gilani, DPT
Shoulder tendonitis is a very common problem for every age group and one we treat often at Loudoun Sports Therapy Center. Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendon that attaches the muscle to the bone. With respect to the shoulder, the muscles that are most frequently inflamed are your rotator cuff and bicep tendon. Our patients will typically complain about pain along the front of the shoulder. Patients often complaint of pain with overhead activities, lifting items, reaching behind their back or pain when washing their hair.
Conditioning: How to Prepare for Spring Sports Season

If you’re participating in a spring sport, what should you be doing now to get ready to compete in a few weeks? Hopefully, you been training in the off season or at least have been staying relatively active to maintain your level of fitness. But if you had more of a couch potato lifestyle for the past few months, it’s time to get up! According to the National Children’s Hospital, 50% of injuries could have been avoided if the athletes had been properly conditioned before competing in their respective sport.
Read full blogThe Silent Disease: Osteoporosis

Did you know that osteoporosis is known as the ‘Silent Disease’? Osteoporosis is a bone disease that occurs when the body loses too much bone, keeps too little bone or when both these things occur. It causes bones to weaken which increases the risk for fractures. Medical experts estimate that 54 million people in the United States have osteoporosis or low bone density. They say one in every two women and one in every four men over the age of 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis.
Read full blogMake Healthy Choices This Holiday Season without Counting Calories

Tis’ the season for good food, time with family, giving thanks, celebrations and traveling. I love this time between mid-November and the end of the year. However, with so much packed into a span of several weeks, it can be tough to keep your fitness goals on track, especially if you are spending hours in the car or on a plane traveling from one place to another.
A few years ago, when I lived in Florida, I spent a lot of time around the holidays at Southwest International Airport, either the Atlanta or Charlotte airports for a layover, and Reagan National Airport.
Shoulder Pain Relief: How Physical Therapy Can Help You Overcome It

If you’re experiencing shoulder pain with certain movements or while trying to sleep, physical therapy can help you get the shoulder pain relief you deserve. One common culprit of this pain could be your rotator cuff.
The rotator cuff plays a crucial role in providing the strength and stability needed for everyday activities such as:
- Brushing your hair
- Brushing your teeth
- Lifting objects overhead
- Throwing a baseball.