Health blog Category: physical therapy
How to Know When it’s a Rotator Cuff Problem

Who hasn’t used their shoulder at some point? Baseball, Volleyball, Football shoulders are primary movers in sports for the upper body! At the center of ALL shoulder injuries is the rotator cuff. People commonly say,” I think it’s my rotator cuff, I think I tore it.” But do you know what the rotator cuff is? Where is it located? Is it one muscle? Is it a joint? What exactly is the rotator cuff? Why is it important?
Read full blogNeed Some Convincing to Start Running? Here are 10 Reasons

Whether you are pounding the pavement for a short jog or you’re a routine racer, running is great cardiovascular training. It is a gratifying way to maintain overall fitness. Although the act of running itself may initially seem daunting if you’re not an avid runner, you will reap the physical benefits within a few weeks. The key is to start slowly and add distance incrementally to decrease the risk of injury.
Here are the top 10 health benefits of running:
- Improve Longevity: Running 1.5 – 2 hours 20- 30 minutes per week can increase your lifespan by 5-6 years!
Muscle spasms happening in the back?

Lower back pain is very prevalent in our society and can greatly limit your ability to bend over to empty the dishwasher, tie your shoes, or to sit at your desk at work or stand in line at the grocery store. Unfortunately, many people think it is just something they have to “live with.”
The number one complaint is pain and stiffness localized to the low back which is worsened with standing, walking, or prolonged positioning.
Hate using stairs because of joint discomfort?

By Cierra Washington, ATC
What exactly is patellofemoral pain? Patellofemoral pain is a general term used to describe pain that resides in the front of the knee and around the kneecap, also known as the patella. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, PFPS, is also known as both runners’ and jumpers’ knee due to the type of athletes who commonly complain of the problem. Based on the nicknames of PFPS, most people tend to believe that it can only occur in athletes or those who participate in high intensity sports, however it can also occur in the older and more sedentary populations.
Turning the Steering Wheel Uncomfortable?

By C. Ashley Border, PT, DPT
Ever wonder what in the world the “shoulder” actually is?
The main joint of the shoulder is called the glenohumeral joint. This articulation consists of the head of the humerus (arm bone) resting in the small glenoid fossa of the scapula (shoulder blade), some would describe this joint as a golf ball on a tee. If you imagine how unstable a golf ball is on a tee, you can appreciate how hard the supporting anatomical structures must work to keep the “ball from falling off the tee.” The structures holding the joint together that offer passive stability consist of the labrum and a series of ligaments that encapsulate the joint.
Is it Tendonitis or Bursitis?

By: Ashley Border, DPT
What is “-itis”?
- indicates a condition of inflammation
So, what’s the difference?
- Bursitis
- is an inflammation of a fluid filled sac called a “bursa”
- the bursa’s job is to rest between a muscle tendon and a boney part of a joint the muscle controls and minimize friction that may fray the tendon
- Tendonitis
- Is an inflammation of a tendon, the structure that attaches a muscle to a bone
- The tendon’s job is to attach a muscle to a bone and allow for joint movement
- Repeated trauma from overuse prevents the body from being able to heal the frayed tendon
What are the symptoms?
Read full blogFour Reasons There Might Be Upper Body Discomfort

Pain in the neck is a common neck problem complaint. As a society, our posture has continued to decline as the use of phones and computers has increased. Poor posture can lead to many neck injuries which can make turning our heads to check our blind spots when driving and watching our family members play sports difficult. Bending our heads forward when looking at our phones becomes challenging.
What happens if you put off addressing the source of your neck pain? It gets much worse and limits you even further from possibly being able to get a good night’s sleep, clean the house, or cook the family dinner. The good news is physical therapy can address many of these ‘pain in the neck’ problems and you can avoid exacerbating the issue.
Standing up from a comfy couch uncomfortable?

By: Rachel Herrmann, DPT
Typically, you may not always realize how much you do with your knees in an average day. However, when you start to have knee pain, then you begin to realize how big of a role your knees play in your day-to-day and leisure activities. Going up and down stairs becomes a dreaded part of the day. Getting on and off the floor when playing with your children is no longer an easy task.
Reaching up or behind uncomfortable?

Ever found that reaching up to get a plate out of the cabinet was painful? Or maybe you feel a pinching in your shoulder when you lift your arms to washing your hair. These are common complaints we hear in the physical therapy world when patients are dealing with some kind of shoulder issue.
Shoulder pain is a very common problem and can cause a lot of difficulty with many daily activities. People frequently come to physical therapy with different complaints involving the shoulder.
Tightness or Pulling Sensations on the Outside of the Leg…

By: Kiara Holmes, ATC
Knock Knock!
Who’s there?
IT Band
IT Band who?
IT Band me from the system again and said they’re gonna keep a tight watch on me!
There’s some fun physical therapy humor for you! Today we’re going to talk about the IT band. So what is the IT band?
First of all, it has nothing to do with computers or technology. The IT band, known as the Iliotibial tract, is a band of tissue that runs from your hip to your knee.