Health blog Category: physical therapy
Is Your Neck Disrupting Your Driving or Sleeping Schedule?

Neck problems are becoming more common due our sedentary lifestyles. How often do you use computers and phones throughout the day? Now think about your posture whenever you use these devices. Chances are, there’s probably room for improvement there.
Posture plays a large role in maintaining our neck health and good posture limits our chance of developing problems that can negatively affect our daily activities. Issues with our neck are commonly associated with pain, headaches, and general stiffness.
Read full blogIs Back Pain Plaguing Us With the Inability to Sleep…

If you are living with back problems and pain you are probably plagued by the inability to sleep, difficulty tying your shoes, bathing, sitting at work, or standing while waiting in line at the grocery store. You may also be restricted from your extracurricular sports activities and enjoying your favorite zumba exercise classes.
Like many conditions, when we have back pain or discomfort in one area of the body, if you don’t handle it, it can start impacting another area of the body and restrict you from enjoying your night at the movies, throwing the football with your son, or participating with your hiking club’s adventures. Back problems can make it difficult for you to complete your daily routine activities around the house.
Painful Knees Could Be Indicating a Hamstring Injury

If you’re are having trouble walking, squatting, or experiencing pain around your knee area, you may have a hamstring injury.
Our hamstring muscle group is located on the back side of our thigh and is made up of three muscles. These three muscles originate on the hip bone and attach at the knee joint. When these muscles contract, your knee bends into a flexed position, when they relax, your knee is able to straighten back out.
Read full blogReducing Negative Impacts of Concussions

Your days have probably gotten a lot busier with the start of school and fall sports season in full swing. But as sports practices ramp up, so does your risk of injury. You may think that a concussion only happens in football games or car crashes. But the truth is, any sports players are at just as high a risk.
What is a Concussion?
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that alters the way your brain functions.
Healing Our Rotator Cuff and Curing Shoulder Problems

Have you ever felt a twinge in your shoulder when lifting something, or do you suffer from an aching shoulder at the end of the day? This could be a sign that your rotator cuff in your shoulder, is weak and irritated.
What happens when the rotator cuff is weak?
Since our rotator cuff is designed to guide the shoulder joint, when certain rotator cuff muscles are weak or injured, poor alignment occurs.
Read full blogTake Action to Cure Back Pain!

Let’s take some time to talk statistics. Roughly two-thirds of Americans suffer from low back pain in particular, yet only 63 percent actually take the steps to relieve their pain, according to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). Of those two-thirds, 69% say their lower back pain affected their daily lives in different ways such as exercise, sleeping, working and time with family and friends. Those four activities alone make up almost the entire day for most Americans.
Read full blogFoot and Ankle Pain Should not be Ignored

Have you ever experienced a sharp pain in the bottom of your foot when you take your first few steps in the morning? Does your ankle feel unstable or painful when you’re walking or running? Do you have difficulty balancing on one foot without holding onto something for support?
These are all signs of common foot and ankle conditions that we often treat in physical therapy. Although there are many contributing factors leading to the aforementioned symptoms, here is a breakdown of the most frequent causes of foot and ankle pain as well as resulting ankle instability.
Read full blogGet Rid of Neck Discomfort and Pain Today!

It is no surprise that we have all probably experienced neck pain at some point in our lives. With the high prevalence of desk jobs, the influx of cell phone use, computer use and video gaming, as well as time spent relaxing in front of the TV, our posture certainly suffers more often than we realize. Over time, these repetitive tasks put us into a position called forward head posture, in which our head and neck protrude forward into a flexed position.
Read full blogWhat is the IT Band…

Unless you’re an avid runner, into cycling or repetitively walking long distances, it’s likely that you’ve never heard of this band of tissue. The IT band is a long, thick band of tissue that runs along the outside of the upper leg extending across the knee joint and attaching to the shin. You notice I haven’t said the word “muscle” when describing the band of tissue, because contrary to all beliefs the IT band is NOT a muscle.
Read full blogAll About a Meniscus Tear

Meniscus Tear – The Basics
A meniscus is the cartilage that is found in the knee joint that sits between the bones of the leg known as the femur and tibia. Think of 2 pads that cushion the inner and outer aspects of your knee. It functions to absorb shock, distribute the load of forces in the knee and to keep the joint lubricated by moving around fluids.
A meniscus tear can frequently occur with twisting or turning activities often when the foot is planted.