Health blog Category: physical therapy
Knee Pain Doesn’t Have to be a Common Problem

Knee pain is a very common problem which can result in difficulty with our daily activities.
Causes of Knee Pain
Problems can stem from many different causes. The most common cause of knee pain and dysfunction, is weakness of musculature surrounding the knee and hip resulting in abnormal mechanics. When the knee joint is not moving properly there is unnecessary rubbing and pressure within the joint that results in pain and inflammation.
Read full blogShoes can be the Cause of Foot Pain

Extended time using sandals over the summer can result in pain and/or other symptoms of the foot and ankle.
Why wearing sandals and flip-flops can cause foot pain:
These sandals and flip-flops lack the arch and heel support provided by tennis shoes and other closed toed shoes, which can result in pain, nerve irritation, and/or muscular dysfunction.
The Importance of Arch Support
When there is less arch support provided by shoewear over an extended period of time, this can cause you’re arch to “collapse” or overpronate.
Read full blogGolfer’s Elbow and What to Do About it

Golfer’s elbow, or sometimes called pitcher’s elbow, is medically defined as medial epicondylitis.
How it Occurs
This overuse injury is characterized by pain on the inside of the elbow that can radiate into the forearm. This condition occurs when inflammation affects our tendons that connect our forearm to our elbow. Golfer’s elbow usually occurs from repetitive gripping, flexing, or rotating the wrist as seen in golfers or pitchers. However, it can affect anyone who repetitively uses their hands, wrists, forearms, or elbows.
How to Treat Golfer’s Elbow
This condition can usually go away with rest, ice, and possible bracing.
Read full blogCuring Hamstring Pain

Pain that originates at our “butt” bones, behind/sides of the knee, or anywhere in between could be indicating a hamstring injury! First, let’s discuss a little bit about the hamstring anatomy and its function in our daily life.
The hamstring is comprised of three muscles:
- Biceps femoris
- Semitendinosis
- Semimembranosus
These three muscles all originate at the ischial tuberosity, commonly referred to as your “butt” bones, and inserts below the knee on your tibia and fibula. The Hamstrings primary function is to not only flex your knee, but also assist in extending the hip.
Read full blogInflammation of Our Joints

The term arthritis is often used in everyday conversation with family and friends and is usually associated with topics of joint pain.
What Arthritis Is…
This term refers to the inflammation of a joint. The two most common forms of arthritis:
- Rheumatoid arthritis, often abbreviated to “RA,”
- Osteoarthritis, often abbreviated to “OA.”
RA is more of a whole body presentation affecting multiple joints at once as a result of an autoimmune disease.
Read full blogGet warm for the colder season!

In the warmer months, it easier for our bodies to warm up to the activities and stresses we place on them. However, as a therapist, I do begin to see more patients, especially back related injuries in the latter half the year. Why is that?
One thing that doesn’t tend to like to change is our activity level.
We all have our hobbies and passions that we would pursue 24/7 if we had the time and energy.
Read full blogJust How Important are Core Muscles…

Slouching in a chair, slumping at the computer or your belly sticking out after standing for awhile are all signs of core muscle weakness. A weak core can negatively affect your health and create long-term back or neck pain.
What are Your Core Muscles?
Your “core” is the group of muscles that help stabilize your body and give a strong anchor point from which your skeleton can move properly with good posture.
Read full blogProper Preparation is Key to Avoiding Injuries

Nowadays, free-time activities can look a little different for kids as various technologies are at our fingertips. If you’re a student athlete who participates in sports year-round, you might maintain a higher level of physical activity. Overall though, the general lack of physical activity, means fitness levels decrease significantly and therefore the return to sports is more difficult. It’s all the more reason why proper preparation is key.
When returning to any sport, it’s important to treat your body appropriately, with care and attention.
Warm-ups, Stretching, and Better Performance

No matter our active level; athlete, sedentary, a weekend warrior, young or old, the benefits of routine stretching reach far beyond rehabilitation.
What is stretching?
In general, stretching is the elongation of a muscle and is used to help prevent injury and discomfort. However, there are different types of stretching that are important to distinguish. One is best implemented as a warm-up to prepare your body for exercise and the other is best used as a cool-down to reduce post-activity muscle soreness.
Read full blogJCFM Scholarship MINI Golf Tournament
Oct 9th 2019On October 12, is the annual JCFM Scholarship MINI Golf Tournament at the Dulles Golf Center and Sports Park.

They are raising funds to provide scholarships to deserving students in Loudoun County Public Schools who decide to further their education in college. Since the scholarship’s inception in 2015, they’ve awarded more than $10,500 in scholarship money to LCPS students.