Health blog Category: headaches
Hunching over your keyboard, phone each day?
By: Devin Wurman, DPT
Many of us have sedentary jobs at a desk and/or using mobile technology for day to day communications. Think about how you sit when you do these things. How is your posture? It’s so easy for us to slip into a poor posture when we’re mindlessly reading emails or sending texts. The problem is that these poor postures are therefore creating more complaints of neck discomfort. Neck pain is no longer an ‘adult issue.’ At Loudoun Sports Therapy Center, we also see a lot of young people complaining of neck discomfort, headaches, trouble standing up and other painful issues in these upper body areas.
People of all ages need to be more aware of their postures at work and at home.
How Physical Therapy Can Get Rid of Your Headaches
By: Angie Austin, LPTA
Headaches are something we have probably all experienced at some point in our lives. In fact, some people experience daily headaches. A headache is associated with pain anywhere in the head or scalp. Sometimes, pain occurs in the neck. The symptoms of a headache can range from an ache or tension-like pain to sharp or piercing pain that can increase or be triggered by a number of causes.
Why isn’t heat, massage getting rid of that headache for good?
By Mike Bills, MS PT
The problem with headaches is that typically, the small muscles in our neck and those covering our skull have gotten into a more permanent state of tightness and pressure. This is why our headaches will often go away for a day or two but then come back. Just like all muscles in your body, the muscles in your neck and skull are like rubber bands. If they are not treated properly, they will gradually shorten over time.
Read full blogExperiencing Recurring Headaches or Migraines…
Anyone with recurring headaches or migraines are well aware of the possible debilitating pressure and pain that can prevent us from the likelihood of either getting out of bed or it landing us in bed away from the lights and sounds that can compound the pain. It can take our entire day away from us so we are not able to:
- Cook breakfast in the morning
- Pack lunches and get our kids off to school
- Run errands
- Do the laundry
- Go to work
Many of us have probably experienced a headache at one point or another and some of us may have even experienced migraines.
Read full blogThree tips to stand up straighter with less discomfort
By: Devin Wurman, DPT
These days, more people are working sedentary jobs at a desk and/or using mobile technology for their day to day communications. Think about how you sit when you do these things. How is your posture? It’s so easy for us to slip into a poor posture when we’re mindlessly reading emails or sending texts. The problem is that these poor postures are a direct cause of neck discomfort.