The neck, a.k.a cervical spine, is comprised of 7 spinal segments and 8 nerves. The nerves that exit out of the neck go on to supply innervation and control function of the arms and hands. It is also important to know that some of the muscles that control neck motion are responsible for shoulder motion too.
Common Conditions:
- Cervical Radiculopathy
- Restricted nerve mobility in the neck that can cause pain into the shoulders and arms
- Muscle Spain/Strain
- Muscle that produces pain with contraction (use)
- The term “strain” specifically refers to faulty tendon contraction. Tendons are where muscles attach to bones.
- Tension Headaches
- The muscles of the neck attach to the head (skull). As a result, muscular tightness in the neck can cause headaches.
- Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD)
- During car accidents, the head frequently gets thrown forward and then “bounces” back at a rapid speed. When this happens, muscle guarding occurs. Muscle guarding is the bodies natural response to pain and rapid movement; the goal is to restrict movement to avoid potential/future damage. WAD happens when that natural guarding doesn’t resolve on its own in a timely fashion. People experience limited mobility and pain with movement.
What you can do if you experience neck pain:
- Move your neck in any direction(s) that you can without pain
- Move your arms in any directions(s) that you can without pain
- Remember, a lot of your neck muscles attach to your shoulders
- Schedule with us at LSTC
Why Physical Therapy, Why NOW?!
A Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) will evaluate your individual body structure and function, determine which of these factors AND more could be contributing to your pain experience. Your pain could have pain in your neck that is very localized or you could have pain in your arm and/or upper back that is coming from your neck. A plan of care would be designed to address your symptoms and the source. If the condition proves to require further medical testing, the evaluating therapist will be able to determine that and direct you accordingly.
Whenever pain is a factor, muscle groups stop working efficiently and people avoid pain provoking activities. The result is weakness, reduced mobility, and more pain. Waiting to get your neck evaluated only extends the time it takes to get you back to living the life you want, participating in activities you enjoy, and being able to comfortably sleep, drive, read, etc. Time is the only thing that you can’t get back. Spend some time with our team of therapists and athletic trainers, so that you can spend more time focusing on the things and people that matter most!
For more information visit:
Athab, Nabeel & Almashaakhi, Nabeel. (2020). An Analytical Study of Cervical Spine Pain According to the Mechanical Indicators of the Administrative Work Staff. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. 10. 1348-1354. 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.01184.7.
Limitless Therapy & Wellness, Limitless Therapy & Wellness, 26 July 2019,