Health blog
Increasing Core Strength to Relieve Pain
How Your Core Muscle Strength Affects Your Health
Do you ever find yourself slouching in a chair, slumping at the computer or your belly sticking out after standing for awhile? This is a sign of core muscle weakness that can negatively affect your health and create long-term back or neck pain.
What are Your Core Muscles?
Your “core” is the group of muscles that help stabilize your body and give a strong anchor point from which your skeleton can move properly with good posture.
5 Ways to Relieve Neck and Back Pain
If you are suffering with back or neck pain, it can be confusing to determine the right way to relieve your pain and get back to normal activities. For some, permanent injury or changes in their body mean arthritis and the tendency for more aches and pains. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it and return to a pain-free life.
Here are some tips to relieve your neck and back pain:
Read full blogHow to Relieve Shoulder Pain
If your shoulder is painful with certain motions or when you sleep, your rotator cuff could be giving you trouble. You need the strength and stability of your rotator cuff to relieve that pain and help you complete all of your daily activities such as:
- Brushing your hair
- Brushing your teeth
- Lifting objects overhead
- Throwing a baseball.
The rotator cuff is the group of four muscles that surround your shoulder joint, guiding and controlling the way your shoulder moves.
Read full blogSuffering with back pain? It could be your thighs…
If you are one of the 80% of the population who suffers with back pain, you know that it can just be a real pain. Back pain interferes with your life, making it difficult to bend and pick up your shoes, or complete all of your daily activities. It can make you irritable and affect your ability to participate in social activities with family, friends, or co-workers.
Did you know that poor thigh strength is often a big contributor to back pain?
Is Pain Stopping You From Getting Back in the Game?
Don’t let pain sideline you!
There is nothing more exciting than taking on a new challenge, sport or activity. For most of us, the thrill of accomplishing a physical goal is what we live for. However, are you prepared for it? The term “weekend warrior” means a person who doesn’t really train for what they are doing; instead, they just go out and do the activity on the weekends.
How do most injuries occur?
Read full blogHow Can You Stop That Nagging Neck Pain or Headache?
Do you find it hard to get comfortable at night because of the ache in your neck or do you suffer from headaches? Many people suffer from chronic neck pain, tightness and frequent headaches. Some people may try to mask the symptoms by taking frequent doses of Advil or Tylenol. Since the root cause of the problem is not addressed, weakness in the neck and shoulder muscles increases, which can lead to chronic headaches and even migraines.
Read full blogIs Your Back or Neck Pain From a Herniated Disc?
If you feel radiating pain, numbness or tingling it is possible one or more of your nerves may be irritated by a bulging or herniated disc. The bones in your spine are called vertebrae and in-between the vertebrae are your discs, which act as shock absorbers. These control the spine’s range of motion, flexibility and keep the bones and spinal cord safe from damage. However, when a disc is damaged, the inside of the disc can squeeze out of place and bulge into the spaces where the nerves exit the spinal cord.
Read full blogWhere Your Pain Is Coming From
If you are suffering from aches or pains, here are some important questions that can help you determine the root cause of the problem:
How long have you had your pain?
For example, acute low back pain may be from a muscle strain. Chronic low back pain is typical of restricted joints, tight muscle tissue and weakened muscle strength.
How is the pain? Achy, sharp, tingling?
Achy pain is typically a problem with movement due to poor functioning of muscles and joints.