Splash the Staff 2024!

Each year from July to August, our office does a fundraiser called “Splash the Staff”, where we raise money for a local nonprofit. This year our team has voted to donate what we fundraise to Mobile Hope!

“Mobile Hope provides support and emergency shelter to youth up to age 24 who are at-risk, precariously housed or homeless and empowers them to become self-sufficient and experience improved well-being.”
This year our fundraiser will run July 1st – August 20th. Our staff has split into 3 teams (black, green, & white team), to see which team can raise the most donations. The more donations a team raises, the greater their starting advantage when we battle it out in our Splash Battle on August 23rd!
Our goal is to raise $2500 for Mobile Hope! You can donated in person, over the phone, or online!
Total Raised so Far: $52.00
Green Team: $14.00
Black Team: $24.00
White Team: $14.00