Have you heard anyone tell you that you need a stronger core? This is because the core is the body’s support system, it helps to stabilize and transfer forces from the upper body to the lower body. This does not mean you need six pack abs, but the deeper muscles that support your spine need to get stronger.
What makes up the core?
- transverse abdominis
- obliques
- rectus abdominis
- erector spinae
- diaphragm
- multifidus
- hip musculature
- pelvic floor
When your core is not strong you are more prone to injury. A weak core can lead to injuries in other parts of our body, including our:
- Back
- Hips
- Knees
- Shoulders
If your core is not doing its job, other body parts need to work harder to compensate, which lead to injury.
How Does PT Help?
It is important to train your core to allow for functional movements with proper support. Walking, sitting, running, lifting and so many more activities require a strong core to be able to support the body and allow you to perform at top level. Physical therapy can help by addressing:
- muscle weakness
- tight muscles
- overall imbalances
- postural improvements
- lifting mechanics
Don’t wait! Seek help from a physical therapist TODAY!
By Lindy VanDerBogart, PTA