Health blog Category: Physical Therapy
Standing a lot During the Day…

Does your job require you to be on your feet for prolonged periods of time? Do you have a lot of pain or stiffness on your lower extremities? Foot and ankle pain is a very common problem for every age group. It’s a condition we treat often at Loudoun Sports Therapy and it’s one that causes a lot of problems with daily, functional activities. The most frequent complaint we hear in the clinic is pain at the ankle joint that can radiate up into the leg or down into the heel.
Read full blogSitting cross-legged or putting shoes on difficult

Hip pain is a very common problem we treat here at Loudoun Sports Therapy Center and it can result in difficulty with many daily activities. People frequently come to physical therapy with different complaints involving the hip. The number one complaint being pain localized to the hip joint and muscles surrounding the joint. Some people also experience stiffness in and around the hip and even the lower back. These issues create difficulty moving the joint and generalized weakness in the affected leg.
Read full blogAvoid a strain or sprain with outdoor activites

By, Devin Wurman, DPT
Now that the weather is getting better and we are finally able to say good-bye to winter, more and more of us are planning to spend an increased amount of time outdoors. This also means that we need to be more cognizant of our bodies when participating in outside activities such as gardening.
Some of the most common injuries that we see in therapy are associated with the knee, shoulder, and/or back.
Lifting and carrying items uncomfortable

Shoulder pain is one of the most common problems we see in physical therapy. It’s not just athletes like baseball players or swimmers either; we treat patients of all ages for shoulder problems. This condition can be the result of repetitive overuse of muscles in the shoulder, poor posture or traumatic injury to the shoulder.
Repetitive overuse of muscles can lead to tendinopathy or irritation of the tendons that attach at the shoulder. Some example of common repetitive activities include:
- Gardening and yard work
- Throwing (think about a baseball player)
- Carrying/lifting
Poor posture can lead to impingement of the rotator cuff tendons and is often seen in individuals that sit at a desk for long hours each day or spend a lot of time at the computer.
Read full blogHave a Knot in a Muscle that Just Won’t Loosen?

By: Devin Wurman, DPT
Ever had a stubborn knot in your neck, back, leg, really anywhere in the body? These knots can be painful and make daily motions difficult and uncomfortable. But what do you do when you can’t seem to stretch our that knot? As physical therapists, we are always looking at different techniques and exercises to incorporate into our sessions with patients. We challenge and work their bodies so they become stronger, more flexible, and more mobile.
Three tips to stand up straighter with less discomfort

By: Devin Wurman, DPT
These days, more people are working sedentary jobs at a desk and/or using mobile technology for their day to day communications. Think about how you sit when you do these things. How is your posture? It’s so easy for us to slip into a poor posture when we’re mindlessly reading emails or sending texts. The problem is that these poor postures are a direct cause of neck discomfort.
How a Tree Trunk Relates to the Upper and Lower Body

Many people will experience some form of lower back pain in the course of their life. There are many factors that can contribute to lower back pain. Some of the most common sources include:
- Muscle Strains
- Overuse Injuries
- Disc and Skeletal Issues
- Poor Posture
When treating lower back pain, it is important to address body mechanics and more importantly, strengthen your core. Focusing on core strength is one of the most effective ways to help ease lower back pain.
Read full blogPlans to Golf, Garden or Get Outside

The weather is getting warmer and more people are headed outside, which means it’s that time of a year for an increase in patients with elbow injuries. Many people have heard of and will use terms like ‘tennis’ or ‘golfer’s’ elbow. But what exactly are these conditions and what’s the difference?
The truth is, not much. Tennis and golfer’s elbow are both overuse injuries that are caused by any activity that requires repetitive motion of the arm and wrist.
Popping, crunching, grinding in the joints

By Angie Austin, LPTA
Knee problems are something that everyone will experience at some point in their lifetime. Having knee pain can be the result of many factors and affects all ages. As physical therapists, we work with patients to educate them about their problem in addition to how it can be corrected. So don’t sweat it! We are here to help!
The knee is a large hinge joint that gives you the ability to bend and straighten your knee.
Inflammation or Discomfort in the Lower Extremities

By Misha Gilani, DPT
Achilles tendonitis is a very common condition that we treat here at Loudoun Sports Therapy and it affects every age group. Achilles tendonitis is the inflammation of the Achilles tendon in your foot. When a patient is suffering from this condition, they will most commonly complain of problems such as pain, limited range of motion, weakness and swelling. They often have difficulty performing daily and functional activities such as ascending or descending stairs, walking, running and pain at night; this pain is due to the inflammation that causes the calf muscles to weaken.