Health blog Category: Physical Therapy
Simple Techniques to Cure Aching Shoulders
Aug 2nd 2019Do you find your shoulders aching at the end of the day or when having to lift your arms?
Why Our Shoulders Hurt
Our shoulders are the most complicated joints in our body and thus, one of the most easily injured. They have to move through an incredible 180 degrees of motion, while still maintaining stability and strength. Some of the most important muscles in the shoulder are actually the smallest. The rotator cuff is a series of 4 muscles that form a cuff around the glenohumeral joint.
Our Feet Could be Causing Our Back Pain

You know that old song, ‘the knee bone is connected to the hip bone?’ That catchy tune has a lot of truth to it and explains what is called the biomechanical chain. For many people, simply standing or walking for more than 20 minutes means their back starts aching. This can be due to a whole host of factors, but believe it or not, your feet and ankles can be a culprit.
When we walk, our hips, knees, ankles and feet rotate in opposite directions to act as shock absorbers.
No Movement, No Energy

Do you sometimes feel sluggish, tired, achy, sore or have low energy? Most of these problems can be caused by lack of movement. If you sit still for long hours in your car, at your job, or at home watching TV, you are hurting your body over time.
Without frequent movement, your muscles waste away, joints become stiff, and normal chemical processes in your body change. Your circulation and lymphatic systems slow down causing a backup of toxic wastes, such as cholesterol, that are normally produced and excreted by your body.
How Your Core Muscle Strength Affects Your Health

Do you ever find yourself slouching in a chair, slumping at the computer or your belly sticking out after standing for awhile? This is a sign of core muscle weakness that can negatively affect your health and create long-term back or neck pain.
What are Your Core Muscles?
Your “core” is the group of muscles that help stabilize your body and give a strong anchor point from which your skeleton can move properly with good posture.
Read full blogManual Therapy VS. Massage

Manual Therapy VS. Massage, What’s The Difference?
At first glance it is easy to mistake manual therapy for a massage. However, there are significant differences between these two treatment methods. It is important for you to be able to understand these differences, in order to pick the appropriate treatment method.
You most likely think of a massage then instantly think of laying on a table of a spa.
Where is Your Pain Coming From?

If you are suffering from aches or pains, it is important for you to be able to determine the root cause of the problem. Here are some important questions to ask yourself in order to determine the causes:
How long have you had your pain?
For example, acute low back pain may be from a muscle strain. Chronic low back pain is typical of restricted joints, tight muscle tissue and weakened muscle strength.
Knee Injuries Don’t Just Occur In Sports

Whether it is sports related or just degenerative changes that occur as you age, at one point or another you have probably experienced a knee injury. Some of the most common injuries are osteoarthritis, ligament injuries and meniscus injuries. All of these cause pain, weakness in your knees and a decrease your ability to participate in some activities.
Ligament injuries more commonly occur with the more active patient population.
Sports such as soccer and basketball that involve jumping, planting of the leg, or a change in direction can cause ACL tears.
Don’t Let Back Discomfort Take Away Sleep

Experiencing an inability to sleep, difficulty tying our shoes, difficulty bathing, trouble sitting at work, or trouble standing while waiting in line at the grocery store are often indicators that we are living with a back problem. We may be forced to sit out from our extracurricular sports and unable to enjoy our favorite exercise classes.
Like many conditions, when their is pain or discomfort in one area of the body, and its’s not handled, it can start impacting another area of our body.
How Common are Hamstring Injuries…

While hamstring injuries can happen to an athlete during a practice or a game, it’s actually much more common for you to experience hamstring problems related to everyday activities.
How many times a week or even a day do you have to do any of these things?
- Bending at waist
- You have to reach down to pick up your child’s toy or put some documents in a lower filing cabinet drawer.
Physical Therapy Helps Reduce Arthritis Pain

You’ve probably been out somewhere and you, a friend, or family member say that they were stiff, or even heard them predict the weather because of how they were feeling. It’s pretty common from middle age and on to have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis involves the degeneration of the joints, more specifically the cartilage that lines a joint. When this smooth material is worn down, the joint no longer will move like it’s supposed to. This occurs because the bones that are a part of the joint are rubbing together.