Health blog Category: Physical Therapy
Prevent Long-Term Knee Problems

Having pain or stiffness in our knee can cause quite a few problems:
- Difficulty walking
- Pain going up or down the stairs
- Pain squatting
- Difficulty standing up from a chair
- Inability to kneel
Most likely those with knee problems will also have trouble lifting, pushing or pulling objects. Stiffness in the knee can cause pain in the morning, difficult moving after sitting in one position for a long time or problems sitting.
Read full blogOur Spines and Scoliosis

Here’s a riddle for you: What holds your body upright, is made up of a series of irregularly shaped bones, appears to be in a straight line but is also curved when you look at it from the side?
The answer: YOUR SPINE!
When the curves in your spine appear more exaggerated, it’s likely you’re looking at a spinal deformity. There are three ways that the spine can be categorized when it strays from the normal shape:
- Kyphosis
- Lordosis
- Scoliosis
Kyphosis and lordosis both refer to the excessive curvature where there is already a gentle curve in the spine.
Read full blog5 Ways to Strengthen Our Bones

Our bones change in their density all the time. Calcium is constantly being laid down and taken up by our bone cells on a daily basis. Bone growth is dependent on the amount of force and stress placed on the bones. This is why astronauts who are weightless lose a substantial amount of their bone mass in just a couple of weeks. Here is what we can do to ensure our bones are healthy and strong:
- Balance your calcium and magnesium intake.
Here’s Why Our Hip Hurts

Hip problems can make our daily activities such as walking, difficult and painful. The most common causes of hip pain are due to wear and tear, and overuse. This means that most hip problems are the result of repetitive movements we do on a daily basis. Because this joint is necessary for weight bearing activities like standing, walking and running, it can be a source of pain among all ages – not just the older population.
Read full blogAwkward Sleeping Positions could be the Cause of Neck Discomfort

Raise your hand if you’ve ever fallen asleep in an awkward position and had the unexpected pleasure of waking up to a “crick in your neck”. For years, I’ve used the phrase “crick in my neck,” and yet I never really knew what it referred to other than general neck discomfort. When most people complain of a “crick” in their neck, they’re referring to either pain or stiffness, most likely in the form of a cramp or spasm.
Read full blogHow to Determine if There is an Issue With Our Rotator Cuff

Your rotator cuff is responsible for the rotation and movement of your entire shoulder joint and all of your arm.
If you have ever had pain, soreness, stiffness, pinching, cracking or popping in your shoulder or in your upper arm, you most likely have had a rotator cuff problem. If you have ever felt stiffness, difficulty moving one arm as far as the other, weakness in your shoulder or arm, you have had a rotator cuff problem.
It’s Not Just Our Posture That’s Affecting Our Neck

With the high prevalence of desk jobs, everyday cell phone and computer use, as well as ample time spent relaxing in front of your TV; your posture certainly suffers more often than you realize. Over time, these repetitive tasks put you into a position called forward head posture, in which your head and neck protrude forward into a flexed position.
Neck problems, neck spasms and general neck pain are common complaints in the orthopedic rehab world, and we’ve certainly treated our share of patients who suffer from various conditions related to neck pain at LSTC.
“Living With” Low Back Problems

Many of us think low back problems are just something we have to “live with” so we try to push through the pain. However, physical therapy can be extremely beneficial for resolving our lower back pain thus greatly improving our quality of life.
When it comes to this condition, the number one complaint is pain and stiffness which gets worse when you stand, walk or are in one position for a prolonged period of time.
Relieve Your Arthritic Aches and Pains With Physical Therapy

Anyone living with arthritis knows how debilitating it can be. Arthritis is the most commonly reported chronic illness across the nation, impacting millions of people. Arthritis occurs when joints become chronically inflamed, resulting in pain, stiffness, and even loss of movement. There are over 100 different types of arthritis, and they can all be split into two categories: monoarthritis (where only one joint is affected) and oligoarthritis (where multiple joints are affected.) The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which develops from “wear and tear” of cartilage.
Read full blogWe Don’t Have to Live With Hand, Wrist, or Elbow Pain

Hand, wrist, and elbow injuries are common among the population and have probably affected everyone at one point or another. Some of the most common issues we may have or will experience throughout the elbow, wrist and hand include:
- Tennis elbow
- Carpal tunnel
- De Quervain’s tendonitis
- Wrist fractures
So what can causes these various conditions and what symptoms come with them?
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis): People with this condition usually complain of pain of the outer aspect of the elbow.