There are many things that can cause you to feel pain in your joints. One of the more common diagnoses is arthritis. Arthritis is inflammation and swelling that happens in our joints. There are many different types of arthritis but the one we see most commonly in our clinic is Osteoarthritis. This is swelling and pain that affects our bones and joints. This can occur in any of our joints, but is most common in our hands, spine, hips and knees.
What Causes Osteoarthritis?
Anyone is at risk of developing osteoarthritis but it is more prevalent in older individuals and those who have a family history of arthritis.. It is more commonly seen in post-menopausal women. It can also set in after having an injury or surgery on a joint and from repetitive movements on the joint over time causing overuse.
What Are The Symptoms?
Pain and stiffness in the joint are the most common symptoms associated with osteoarthritis. As arthritis progresses, you may notice swelling in the joint or even changes in the appearance of your joint. Some will also have a loss of motion in their joints or feelings of instability.
How Can I Fix My Arthritis?
While we can’t reverse the damage within your joint caused by osteoarthritis, you can do things to help decrease your pain and improve your mobility and strength. PT is a great way to do this. We will focus on low impact cardio, stretching and mobility activities to regain your joint motion, and teach you exercises to increase the muscle strength to help stabilize the joints and take pressure off of them to help reduce your pain levels and improve your quality of life.
Want to schedule an evaluation?
Call us today at (703) 450-4300 and find out if physical therapy could benefit you!