I need to see a doctor and get a script to go to physical therapy
In the state of Virginia, you can be treated and seen for physical therapy for up to 30 days without a script from a doctor. After the 30 days is up, you will be required to have a signed script from your doctor to continue with your care if your PT provider has not already received one.
Surgery is the better option
Surgery is not always the answer if you are having pain or have a torn muscle. In many cases, physical therapy has been shown to be as effective as surgery in treating many conditions including but not limited to meniscal tears, rotator cuff tears, osteoarthritis, and so much more.
I need an x-ray or MRI before PT
When you go to physical therapy, the first appointment will be an initial evaluation where a Doctor of Physical Therapy will do special tests and measures to figure out what is going on. This does not require an x-ray or MRI as the tests they do will help determine what is happening and what manual techniques and exercises will help fix the problem. Many of the times.
I can do physical therapy on my own
Physical therapy can be done on your own, and you should be doing your home exercises! But with the help and expertise of a physical therapist, you will determine exactly what exercises you should be doing and how to properly do and prescribe them to be successful long term. Not only will they make sure you are doing the proper exercises, but they will also be able to do hands on manual techniques which you can’t get on your own.
I’m in pain – moving will only make it worse
Motion is lotion. The more you continue to move and keep the body moving, the more the body is able to get their natural lubricants and circulation to your bones and joints and the better you feel. Initially there may be a little bit of stiffness or pain, but then more you get moving and get any swelling or edema out of the area, and the quicker you will feel better.
By Kelly Walker, PTA
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